Report and video: 2nd IASB-EAA Virtual Research Workshop (IASB Discussion Paper “Business Combinations – Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment”)

Posted by Thorsten Sellhorn - Nov 02, 2020

Last Friday, 30 October 2020, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) in conjunction with the European Accounting Association (EAA) held the 2nd episode of its IASB-EAA Virtual Research Workshop series. The seminar provided an overview of the IASB’s Business Combinations – Disclosures, Goodwill and Impairment Discussion Paper (DP) and relevant academic literature, as summarized in a recent review paper by Amir Amel-Zadeh (University of Oxford), Martin Glaum (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management), and myself. Each section of the discussion paper was presented by IASB staff members Ana Simpson and Tiom Craig, and followed by questions and comments from the 140-strong audience of EAA members, to which Board members Ann Tarca and Tom Scott replied. I had the pleasure tomoderate this Zoom session, which was recorded – please watch it here. The programme outline is here, and presentation slides are here.

It is exciting to see this interactive format provide a direct, low-cost channel for academics to bring their pertinent research to the IASB’s attention and elicit standard setters’ views on research topics and methods. The IASB appreciates this direct access to the EAA’s deep and diverse pool of research expertise. I want to thank all of you who contributed to making this event happen and rendering it valuable.

The next IASB-EAA collaboration of this sort is already being planned: The 3rd IASB-EAA Virtual Research Workshop, on Business Combinations under Common Control, will take place early in 2021 – stay tuned! Stay healthy and in good spirit, and all the best,

Thorsten Sellhorn, EAA President 2019-2021