Posted by SALVADOR CARMONA - Sep 17, 2019



(Madrid. November 8-9, 2019)

Building Bridges between Young Talent and Academic Institutions


Institutions of higher learning witness increasing mobility of PhD students and faculty. Combining the strengths of the web and face-to-face initiatives, the Management Committee of the EAA agreed to launch the fifth edition of its job market, a Talent Workshop, for accounting academics.


CRISTINA GRANDE (TW 2018, PHD FROM UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID, NOW AT CASS BUSINESS SCHOOL) “My experience at the 2018 Talent Workshop held at IE was very positive and key to finding a job. I had the opportunity of being interviewed by universities not only from Europe but also from other parts of the world. The TW was the perfect setting to meet great scholars and job market candidates and make myself known.”

MARIO SCHABUS (TW 2016, UNIVERSITY OF AMSTERDAM, NOW AT UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE) “The Madrid job market conference was a great experience as I learned about many potential employers from a variety of countries. Even though you can only sign up for one job, you learn about your opportunities and the conditions different employers offer. Further, it’s a chance to network you shouldn’t forego as you never know what will happen a few years ahead. I spoke with professors from University of Melbourne, my current employer, and got to discuss teaching/research demands as well as how my research would fit in the work faculty is engaged in.”

CINTHIA VALLE RUIZ (TW 2017, PHD FROM UNIVERSIDAD COMPLUTENSE DE MADRID, NOW AT IESEG SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT) “I attended the 3rd edition of the Talent Workshop in Madrid and thanks to that, I got an Assistant Professor position at IESEG School of Management. The Talent Workshop is a great place to get the first contact with Schools in which you are potentially interested. Having the opportunity to meet with some of the faculty members helps you to better understand whether the school might be a potential good match. Further, sometimes you get some additional information that is not contained in the job posting. Even though it lasts only 2 (very intense) days, is a very efficient event as you can meet with many Schools which helps with the first screening (for candidates and Universities). In my case, I had the opportunity to meet with most of the Universities I was interested in and during the interviews, I got valuable information about the School, faculty members and the expectations they have for junior faculty. Besides the benefits of getting to know better the Universities, the Talent Workshop is an excellent occasion to further develop (or to start building) our networking. I remember that during the Talent Workshop I had the first contact with some people in my research area with whom I am planning to have some projects in short-term (of course, after the event I took an active approach to keep in contact with them but it really helped to break the ice).”

FACUNDO MERCADO (TW 2017, PHD FROM UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID, NOW AT UNIVERSITY OF WARWICK) “The IE/EAA Talent Workshop is a great initiative. It saves you time searching for job opportunities, increases your visibility, and gives you the opportunity to have interviews with many universities in the same venue. In my case it was very helpful for getting my current job as an Assistant Professor at Warwick Business School. Bottom-line, the IE/EAA Talent Workshop makes the job market process much easier for PhD candidates.”

GIULIA REDIGOLO (TW 2016, UNIVERSITY OF PADOVA AND VENICE, NOW AT ESADE) “The Talent Workshop is a great opportunity for PhD rookies in Accounting t get exposure and establish the very first contact with European/international schools seeking to recruit new accounting faculty. The event brings together universities and PhD candidates in a very effective way through a matching mechanism. As a PhD candidate, you will have the unique opportunity to present your research in front of all interested recruiters and hold individual interviews with schools. In addition to being a bridge to your future academic career, the TW offers you the chance to learn more about schools and faculty that you might be interested in, as well as to expand your academic network. Definitely a precious and valuable experience!”


Supporting institutions

The Talent Workshop held editions in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. In these editions, the following academic institutions participated as recruiters: Aalto University School of Business, Aarhus University, Adam Smith Business School – University of Glasgow, BI– Norwegian Business School, Bocconi University, Cass Business School – City University London, Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics, China Europe International Business School, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Copenhagen Business School, CUNEF, Erasmus University, ESADE, ESSEC Business School, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, HEC Paris, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, IE Business School / IE University, IESE Business School, IESEG School of Management, INSEAD, KU Leuven, Lancaster University, London School of Economics and Political Science, Ludwig- Maximilians Universitat, LUISS University, Monash University, Neoma Business School, Nord University, Norwegian School of Economics, Rennes School of Business, RSM Erasmus University, Stockholm School of Economics, The American University in Cairo, The University of Queensland Business School, The University of Sydney, Tilburg University, Toulouse Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad de Navarra, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Université Catholique de Louvain (Louvain School of Management), University of Amsterdam, University of Bern, University of Bolzano, University of Bristol, University of Cambridge, University of Exeter Business School, University of Glasgow, University of Groningen, University of Manchester, University of Mannheim, University of Melbourne, University of North Texas, University of Notre Dame, University of Oxford, University of Southern Denmark, University of Sussex, University of Waterloo, Vienna University of Economics and Business,  University of Washington, UNSW Sydney, Warwick Business School and WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management.



The event will be held in Madrid during November 8-9, 2019 and its hosting institution is IE University.  During the event, institutions and candidates will have the opportunity to meet both through public presentations and private interviews.

Application –PhD students.

PhD students interested in participating in the job market as candidates are asked to submit the following materials before October 1, 2019:

  • their job market paper
  • resume
  • brief research statement

at the following email address: eaa-jobmarket@ie.edu. Participation in the Talent Workshop is free for accepted candidates, and this will cover their participation in the scientific program, availability to hold interviews with recruiters, coffee breaks and lunches. Upon acceptance to the Talent Workshop, candidates will be asked to complete the registration form that will be available on the website.

Accepted candidates will get access to vacancies posted by recruiting institutions.

Registration –Recruiting institutions.

Recruiting institutions are asked to complete the registration form that is available on  https://secure.ie.edu/EAAJobMarket/ . The institutional fee for recruiters is 450 euros; it covers for the participation of one member of the recruiting institution as well as the use of meeting place to interview candidates. The registration fee for further members of the same institution, who share the same meeting place, is 350 euros. Recruiting institutions’ deadline:  October 23, 2019. Registration fee after the deadline is 500 euros, subject to availability.

Recruiting institutions may post their vacancies on the EAA Talent Workshop’s website.


This link will take you to a video that illustrates the climate of the EAA Talent Workshop:
