EAA diversity conversations – new event

Posted by ARC Commitee - Oct 22, 2021

LGBTQI+ in Accounting: Research, Education & Practice

Let’s talk about sex(uality)! Often not spoken about in accounting, diverse sexualities have represented a stigma accountants would often need to conceal within workplaces to avoid being excluded from potential career progression. Current progressive socio-political trends and cultural diversity movements have seen a change in pace as more and more accounting firms move to adopt and promote LGBTQI+ diversity and inclusion initiatives.

Join Alessandro Ghio, Nick McGuigan and Lisa Powell as they engage this topic, drawing on their research and collective field experience into sexuality and accounting. LGBTQI+ experience in accounting research, education and practice will be creatively explored and discussed with an opportunity for audience interaction and Q&A.

When: November 23, 2021. Time: 1 pm Brussels time

Speakers: Alessandro Ghio, Nick McGuigan, Lisa Powell.

Register at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAucOCurzsrHdFULpvsdWrmYfZg91o90JAP


Optional background readings:

McGuigan, N., & Ghio, A. (2018). Queering accounting: opening up and connecting professional services firms. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, 9(5), 625-635

Rumens, N. (2016). Sexualities and accounting: A queer theory perspective. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 35, 111-120.

Stenger, S., & Roulet, T. J. (2018). Pride against prejudice? The stakes of concealment and disclosure of a stigmatized identity for gay and lesbian auditors. Work, employment and society, 32(2), 257-273.