The CARE conference

Posted by Peter Easton - Oct 08, 2018
Since 2006, the annual CARE Conference has brought together leading industry experts and academic scholars to discuss topics relevant to financial analysis and valuation; research, teaching and practice of financial statement analysis and valuation; the quality of corporate financial statements; cross-border valuation issues; empirical research methods; forecasting firm and industry fundamentals; accounting for uncertainty and risk; the impact of the explosion of new information on capital markets; investing in developing capital markets; and fraud.  The overarching goal of the CARE conferences is to develop a set of research questions that are relevant to both academics and practitioners involved with various aspects of financial regulation. The conferences bring together leading experts, regulators, litigators, accounting and investment professionals, and accounting, finance, and law school academics to provide a vibrant setting for discussing financial regulation in the U.S. and other countries. 
The conferences are organized by the Center for Accounting Research and Education (CARE) at the University of Notre Dame. They have two key aims: (1) to strengthen the links between people who research and teach economics, finance and accounting and those who practice; and, (2) to encourage younger academics to pursue a research agenda that is most relevant to the economics community and hence relevant in the classroom. With these aims in mind, we invite highly informed, very influential, sometimes provocative speakers. The audience at the conference is primarily young academics from all of the leading business schools world-wide who have research and teaching interests related to information and the capital markets.
Past conferences have been held in various locations around the world (Atlanta, London, Singapore, Napa Valley, New York, Washington DC, Miami, and Hong Kong) and have stimulated a considerable amount of academic work and served to build many links between academics and professionals. Several keynote addresses and panel sessions from past conferences have been published in the Journal of Applied Corporate Finance. See more information on our 2018 Conference here.
Please direct any questions regarding the Center to Lorie Marsh at