Call for partnerships with National Associations

Posted by Helena Isidro - Feb 24, 2019

Recently, the EAA has initiated partnerships with National Associations with the aim of fostering the development of accounting academics, especially junior scholars and PhD students. Examples of these collaborations include the Portuguese Network of Accounting Research, the French National association Association Francophone de Comptabilité (AFC), and The Brazilian Research Accounting Association (ANPCONT).

The EAA is inviting expressions of interest by National Associations to establish agreements. Any National Association involving accounting academics, with a particular interest in promoting PhD education and high-quality accounting research is welcomed.

The agreement between the EAA and National Associations includes a number of initiatives to enhance PhD education and promote joint events, in particular:

  • EAA support for the participation of an EAA guest speaker at national meetings of the association;
  • Award of benefits to PhD students – including EAA membership, access to the ARC resources, feedback from the Peer Monitoring Initiative, reduction in congress fees, and participation in the PhD forum;
  • Promotion of events supported by both parties in their websites and newsletters, as well as dissemination of relevant national events in the ARC.

If EAA members would like to discuss details with a view to a potential agreement with a National Association, please feel free to contact Helena Isidro: