Conference on Experimental Research in Accounting

Jul 05, 2019
Maastricht, Netherlands
Mar 31, 2019

ENEAR (European Network for Experimental Accounting Research) is happy to announce its second international Conference on Experimental Research in Accounting at Maastricht University on July 5-6, 2019.  


Experimental research in accounting is growing across the globe in disciplines such as auditing, financial accounting and managerial accounting. ENEAR is a platform that connects accounting academics in Europe and the rest of the world who are interested in research using experimental methods.


We invite experimental papers (both lab and field) in the different areas of accounting (financial, managerial, audit and tax). New is that we also accept a limited number of extended proposals of experiments that have not been run yet. Discussants from the community will be invited to discuss each paper and proposal. We also have a PhD colloquium for PhD students where we provide intensive feedback and coaching sessions together with more senior researchers.


The plenary speakers are:

  • Prof. Kristina Rennekamp (Cornell University)
  • Prof. Andrew Newman (University of South Carolina)





Submission deadline: March 31, 2019


Please send your full paper to To encourage interaction among participants, a limited number of papers will be accepted for presentations. Extended proposals for experiments could be send to the same address (indicate that it concerns an extended proposal in the subject heading). The organization committee will inform you about the decision around April 30. Discussants will be selected among conference participants and tenured faculty. The conference is open to all members of our research society. In case you want to volunteer as discussant, please let us know on the same e-mail address. 


PhD Colloquium: The PhD colloquium will start on Friday, July 5, 2019, in the morning until noon. PhD students who want to join the colloquium need to indicate this in the registration process.


Conference: The conference will start on Friday July 5, 2019 early afternoon and will end in the afternoon of Saturday July 6, 2019.


Venue: Maastricht University, Tongersestraat 53, 6211LM Maastricht 


Registration fee: 150 Euro, includes access to accepted papers, coffees, lunch, dinner, closing BBQ, and for PhD students the participation in the PhD Colloquium. Deadline for registration is May 30.


More information:

You can find more information about ENEAR, the registration and a preliminary program of the ENEAR 2019 Conference on


Organizing Committee:

Alexander Brüggen – Maastricht University

Eddy Cardinaels – KU Leuven & Tilburg University

Victor Maas – University of Amsterdam

Alexandra Van den Abbeele – KU Leuven


It would be fantastic if you could forward this email to anyone you think might be interested in the ENEAR Conference on Experimental Research in Accounting or in ENEAR. 


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about ENEAR or the conference, please contact us at


Best regards,


Alexander Brüggen

Eddy Cardinaels

Anna Gold

Victor Maas

Alexandra Van den Abbeele

ENEAR (European Network for Experimental Accounting Research)
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