Announcement of EAA Journal Awards for 2019

Posted by ARC Commitee - Feb 18, 2020

We are delighted to announce that the recipients of the European Accounting Association awards for 2019. Congratulations to all of them from the EAA membership!


Accounting in Europe

Best paper in 2019

Inside the Black Box of IASB Standard Setting: Evidence from Board Meeting Audio Playbacks on the Amendment of IAS 19 (2011)

By Rolf Uwe Fülbier and Malte Klein


Best reviewers in 2019

Roberto Di Pietra (University of Siena)

Francesco Mazzi (University of Florence)


European Accounting Review

Best paper in 2019

Is Tax Volatility Priced by Lenders in the Syndicated Loan Market?

By Daniel Saavedra


Best reviewers in 2019

Luc Paugam (HEC Paris)

Sven Modell (The University of Manchester)


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