The Doctorate (PhD) in Accountancy in Europe: 0.0

Posted by WILLEM BUIJINK - Apr 29, 2017

There are an estimated 310 universities and schools in Europe that offer a Doctorate (PhD) in Accountancy program. Accountancy is the combination of Financial, Management and Tax Accounting, and Auditing.

In this invited series of Blog articles I will address the following questions:

  • What do Doctoral (PhD) programs in Europe look like?
  • What should they look like?
  • How many new Doctors in Accountancy are produced by the 310 programs every year?
  • Do these Doctoral programs in Accountancy produce an appropriate number of new Doctors?
  • What factors explain the demand for Doctors in Accountancy?
  • What explains the choice of Master and Bachelor students to start studying for a Doctorate in Accountancy?
  • Does the contents of the BSc and MSc programs these students study in, play a role in that decision?
  • What role does the Accountancy profession in Europe play in the production of Doctorates in Accountancy?
  • What role do Accountancy standards setters and Accountancy regulators play here?
  • What role does the European Accounting Association play?
  • What role should the Accountancy profession, standard setters and the EAA play?

You will notice the two-digit numbering of this first blogpost. That will be used for the series of blogposts to come.